Joint Support – 60 Capsules


Joint support capsules are beneficial for the general well-being of the body’s joints.

Joint support capsules are beneficial for the general well-being of the body’s joints.
The body’s inability to produce glucosamine is the single biggest reason why joints degenerate.


  • Glucosamine is a critical building block for the production of cartilage and prevents further destruction. Improves joint lubrication and helps against pain and inflammation.
  • Devil’s Claw fights inflammation and pain and also improves joint mobility and function.
  • Copper is essential for the production of collagen thus preventing bone deformation.
  • Manganese helps prevent joint damage and inflammation


Take 2 Joint Support capsules daily with meals. Use for at least 3 months.


Omega 3 works in combination with Joint Support for the prevention of inflammation.
Accumulated toxins are sometimes the cause of joint stiffness. Fabulous Fibre Bitter will help the body rid itself of toxins.
Exercise reduces pain and joint stiffness.


Aloe ferox bitters powder, Copper AAC 10%, Harpagophytum Procumbens tuber pulv sicc Glucosamine sulphate potassium salt, Manganese sulphate monohydrate, Magnesium stearate USP/BP, Tapioca starch.

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